Tuesday 4 May 2010


Rewarding is not always linked to money as this is what we tend to think, a genuine thank you or public recognition can raise morale.

Rewards are desirable outcomes; intrinsic rewards derive from the individuals themselves and include a sense of achievement, a feeling of responsibility and recognition for example this relates to Herzbergs motivators. Extrinsic rewards derive from the organisation and the actions of others and include salary, working conditions and supervision for example these relate to Herzbergs hygiene factors.

If the job permits challenges and variety then people will feel able to reward themselves for good performances in order to meet them challenges and goal.

The organisation that I work for is House of Fraser and ways in which they offer rewards are by providing a basic pay which increase after 6months, it provides a highly pleasant working conditions for both the employees and the customers, it also provides a café and a restaurant in which you can receive up to 10% discount as you can see these are the basic Physiological needs, Safety is also provided in many ways such as the safe working conditions and all the clear hazards and fire procedures for the employees, the company benefits such as commission if a store card is opened , pensions scheme, Voluntary benefits and discounted deals as well paying staff if they go on training and meetings away from the store your transport fare will be paid as well as 20% off on staff card, House of Fraser also provides job security by providing a written contract which is signed by the employee and the manager, this organisation also meets Social- belonging and love by cohesive work group, friendly supervision from floor managers as well as concession managers, social facilities and games are organized regularly for all staffs from different concessions to get together with managers in a relaxed, friendly atmosphere to enjoy them self and build better relations outside work.

Esteem needs are also met within the organisation such as you get treated equally on all levels, self respect is given as well as prestige and status, you gain a social recognition, job title to identify your job, High Status job and feedback from the job itself by completing regular appraisal with your main manager, you receive a bonus and a House of Fraser Gift card worth £15 if you meet your targets. Self actualisation is one of the major levels which everyone would desire to convene; ways in which this organisation makes the employee meet up to this level is by giving them a challenging job to see how they can cope such as extra responsibilities cashing up, advise customers, dealing with complaints directly. Opportunities for creativity are given, as well as achievement in work; you can be given a certificate and rewards with the organisation which also links in with Alderfers ERG theory overall you can see clearly all these motivators link to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.

This also relates to Herzberg’s two-factor theory, Hygiene factors and Motivators are also important within the organisation such as Supervision from mangers and security guards, Company politics and job Security and motivators such as Opportunity for progression and development, which I have talked about above as these links in with Maslow Hierarchy of needs.

I don’t feel as it differs from groups this is because everyone is rewarded in the same way in this organisation in an equal and fair way you get rewarded for what you have worked for and that is the most important thing that keeps you going as it does not discriminate in any way.

I personally feel that they should and they shouldn’t this is because it takes a long time and a lot of amount of work and effort to become a chief executive and you have worked hard for this for many years and you do deserve to receive large bonus as you have given your best shot to make sure that the organisation does well but all organisation have problems and that is where you learn from and pick up but on the other hand I feel that they shouldn’t be given large bonuses because they have not met what their job description has asked them to do and one of the key features would be to make sure that the organisation is successful and does not under perform in anyway, because at the end of the day they only pass down orders down the line and it is up to the staff and managers hard work to fulfil them.

The 3 financial and 3 non-financial ways of rewarding a teacher at a primary school would be:

Financial methods are

Bonuses if the teachers met the expected target grades, which the school aims to get,

A pay rise for the length of service they have worked there

Discount offered by the government as teaching is one the most important sectors in the industry.

Non- financial methods

Expenses would be paid for if you get sent to do training free transport and Meals would be paid for.

Certificates given by the head teacher to recognise that the teacher has met their targets and have worked hard and deserved this,
Being felt loved by children when they give you presents and cards for example at the end of the year or Christmas & Easter presents and cards.

The one I feel would motivate me the most would be the love and attention given by the head teacher and the children, that would make me feel valued and more highly motivated and therefore my job would be even better as I would be given support from everyone and the lovingness but at the same time as it is a tough job the bonus and discount would be an extra well deserved treat.

I have come to a conclusion that rewards can motivate each individual differently and there are many in ways this could be done for example intangible benefits such as power, working conditions, career progression, status and recognition could be major factors that keep someone highly motivated but then on the other hand some people prefer tangible benefits such as cash, company products like a company car, goodies and treats. This shows that everyone is different and we all look at rewards in different ways and it can have a major affect in our life and working environment.


Lecture Notes Week 24

Mullins, L. (2007) Management and Organizational Behaviour. 8th Ed.

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