Tuesday, 4 May 2010

Equal Opportunities

An equal opportunity is a theory of motivations, which focuses on people’s feelings of how fairly they have been treated in comparisons with treatment received by others.

The main outcomes of Equal opportunities are used to analyse perceptions that can cause inequality/injustice in the workplace, To define Equal Opportunities legislation, To define diversity and analyse issues surrounding diversity in the UK, To analyse methods for improving Equal Opportunities/diversity in the workplace. (Taken from Lecture notes Week 20)

The differences between equality and diversity

Equality is very important and underpins many approaches to equal opportunities, equity is concerned with how people perceive their treatment as compared to others, to be treated equitably is to be treated in the same way as a similar group or individual. Employees will feel more motivated if they are treated equitably and if treated inequitably they will feel demotvated.

Adam equality theory suggested that there are two types of equity such as Distributive equity, which is concerned with the fairness with which people feel they are being rewarded in comparisons with others.

The other theory was Procedural equity this is concerned with the employee’s views of the fairness of the company’s procedures in relation to recruitment, selection and job progression.

Diversity is an Understanding there are differences among employees and that these differences, if properly managed, are an asset to work being done more efficiently and effectively. Examples of diversity factors are race, culture, ethnicity, gender, age, a disability, and work experience

(Bartz, Hillman, Lehrer and Mayhugh (1990:321)

Diversity has a major impact on a wide range of conditions and characters as you can see above and in terms of business and their workforces it is about valuing and repaying the benefits of a varied workplace that makes the best of people talents no mater what there background is like.

The importance’s of addressing equal opportunities/diversity within an organisation is so people comply with legislation, avoid employment tribunals, avoid conflict and loss of reputation as well as creating a harmonious workplace.

The main purpose of Purpose of Equal Opportunities Legislation

Is to reduce unjustified discrimination by making it unlawful,

To enable employers to develop equal opportunities by taking positive action, to provide a mechanism for individuals who have suffered discrimination to seek redress.

Margaret Mountford, who used to be Sir Alan Sugar’s advisor on “The Apprentice” stated that women should only be appointed to senior positions on merit. There should be no positive discrimination.

The arguments for and against her views from the following article in this website that I have chosen are:


I agree that ‘women should stick at it, hang on in there as women can get to the top’ if they are given that support and help, I feel that today’s culture undermines the potential some women have in the world today, as they are to on the same level as men and should be treated equally and be given the same opportunity and support. We are living in a society where people are free to make choices and mistakes because you learn from your own mistakes and pick up where you go wrong so women should be given that extra opportunity in the workplace where they can prove this.

It has been said by Marget Thatcher that ‘ in politics if you want anything said ask a man, and if you can anything done ask a woman. I strongly agree on this quote as all men do it talk and on the other hand women actually take action for what they say this is a big note to remember, a women can do anything if she has been given that chances. In today’s culture women are slowly taking over and are showing that they are too on the same level as men and not to underestimate them.

The argument that I feel against is that the only reason why women don’t get to the top is because organisation are stereo type and they think that women is not flexible as she may get pregnant and may need extra time out for her children. I strongly disagree with this as I feel women can manage and get to the top even though they have family commitments.

I also strongly agree on this quote taken from Marget Thatcher that any women who understand the problems of running a home will be nearer to understanding the problems of running a country and from this quote I feel that if women can manage a home they can manage practically everything and anything.

As the Age legislation came into force in 2006, as an employer the impacts that this might bring would be that it is unlawful for employers and others to discriminate against a person on the basis of his or her age. The stereotypes that we usually hold about Younger people will need more training and attention and my not have the appropriate skills needed and that they may not be reliable enough and may not take the job seriously enough.

Older people are they may not be capable to carry out the task, may need more care and benefits to help them, which can be costly for the organisation they may need more accessible facilities and services to help them.

The two ideas which can attempt to change these attitudes is to design a training program for the younger people and to put them on a 3 month probation where they are being monitored and checked up regularly to see how they are doing, I feel this will be effective because this will give them a chances to prove to themselves and others that they can do this.

For the older people smaller jobs should be invented which is on their level and that they will be able to do effectively.

Benchmarking is a method many organisation use to help them to discover the best methods of carrying out processes available and then using them in their own organisations, an organisation can benchmark internally to find out best practise within the organisation, or externally by looking at other organisations, many organisations will set themselves the objective of becoming the benchmark for the industry. Two organisations that I have used to look at their bench marking are:

John Lewis http://www.johnlewispartnership.co.uk/Display.aspx?MasterId=74681741-bda8-4258-840b-f4eb1ad2e05c&NavigationId=633

The reason why I have picked John lewis is because ‘

The John Lewis Partnership aims to create and nurture a culture that values the differences of all those who engage with us, whether as Partners, customers or suppliers, or as part of the wider community. Embracing diversity helps us to attract, retain and develop Partners while developing a creative and innovative culture that appeals to a wide range of customers.

Also because the Group has led the development of the Partnership's Diversity Policy, which is being put into practice through a number of initiatives, including:

Our first Diversity Audit, trialled at six shops

Diversity training for the Board Directors during 2007

Reviewing and revising all personnel policies (Partner Handbook, advertising and recruitment guidelines) to ensure they are aligned with our Diversity Policy

Communicating the Diversity Policy to Partners through lead articles in our publications

Developing an online e-learning programme on diversity awareness for line managers

Rewarding behaviour that encourages diversity and by utilising such schemes as 'One Step Beyond' (our reward and recognition scheme for employees)

Developing key ethnicity measures and monitoring progress in our shops

Benchmarking our performance through initiatives such as 'Opportunity Now' and 'Race for Opportunity', membership organisations representing employers who want to transform the workplace by ensuring inclusiveness for women and minority ethnic groups

Membership of Stonewall, The Employers Forum for Disability, the Employers Forum for Age and the Employers forum for Belief,

Taken from the John Lewis website listed in my references below.

The second organisation that I feel has a high benchmarking is sainsbury this is because sainsbury has been awarded for the following:

Caring for customers – Sainsbury’s is tops!

Sainsbury’s customer careline and customer management team has retained 1st place in its annual MCM benchmarking exercise, ranked first for both speed of response and quality of reply, beating Tesco, Marks & Spencer, Morrisons, Waitrose and Asda. May 2004.

MCM benchmarking exercise

Sainsbury’s customer careline and customer management team has retained 1st place in its annual MCM benchmarking exercise, ranked first for both speed of response and quality of reply, beating Tesco, Marks & Spencer, Morrisons, Waitrose and Asda. May 2004

Taken from the Sainsubry website listed below.

I have come to a conclusion that Equality and Diversity is a large subject to look into and it is very important that they are used effectively within any organisation to help all people feel equal no matter what their background may be, the

Benefits of Diversity

Is Greater creativity and Increased capacity among managers to establish and maintain inter-organisational relationships,


Clegg, S, Kornberger,M. and Pitsis, T. (2008) Managing and Organizations: An Introduction to Theory and Practice, London: Sage

Knights, D. and Willmott, H. (Eds.) (2006) Introducing Organisational Behaviour and Management. London, Thompson.

Mullins, L. (2007) Management and Organizational Behaviour. 8th Ed.

Lecture notes Week 20

http://business.timesonline.co.uk/tol/business/career_and_jobs/article6830916.ece (Accessed 29th April 2010)


(Accessed 29th April 2010)


(Accessed 29th April 2010)


(Accessed 29th April 2010)


(Accessed 29th April 2010)

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