Sunday, 17 January 2010

Leadership and Management

Management involves getting things done through other people for the achievement of organisations goals. Leadership, at its best, means inspiring staff to achieve demanding goals. According to Peter Drucker, a manager does things right a leader does the right thing.

Leadership is a process where by an individual influences the group towards the attainment of desired group or organisation. Leaders may be formal or informal. A formal leader may be appointed or may have been given intuitional legitimacy.
Informal leaders may emerge because of their length of service, specialised knowledge or skills, the fact that they may be very participate in group problem solving or they maybe at the centre of the communication.
Management is a process, which controls and solves problems within an organisation they have a budget and plans that help them to co-ordinate; they organise things and encourage order and predictability.

Robert Blake formed a Managerial Grid and Jane Mouton as they concluded that there are many behaviours and motivations in the middle of the X and Y theory of Douglas McGregor, Blake and Mouton therefore found that a management behaviour model with three axes (Concern for production, Concern for people, Motivation) was a more precise demonstration of reality. The Managerial grid is a matrix model of management instead of concentrating on autocratic versus democratic styles,

The grid measures a mangers concern for people/ process and concern for production/tasks.
The two main dimensions covered by the grid are:
Ø Concern for production- this is when you are more concern on getting the task done
Ø Concern for people- this is concern for the team processes.

The results are plotted on a nine-position grid, placing concern for the process on the vertical axis and concern for the task on the horizontal axis.
9.9-Ideal style, deep concern for people and clear concern for people (Team)
9.1-Too concerned with production, which creates a low moral, there is total concentrate on achieving results, people are virtually ignored.
1.1-No concern for people or task manger is lazy
5.5- Shows some concern for people and task adequate performances between people

v Country club is too concerned with people and gets very little done
v Task is too concerned with production and creates an atmosphere of low morale
v Impoverished has no concern for people or output
v Middle of the road shows some concern for people and some concern for production

The Grid can be used for analysing or coaching a manager, for relation’s skills such as dealing with critique, initiative, decisions making, conflict, resolution and also to express ideas as well as seeking information.

Working within House of Fraser I came across many different employees who had a variety of diverse leadership skills which had an influences on the organisation and therefore I felt that the person who had a strong leadership role was my manager this was because on the Management Grid I felt that she was in the middle of the road (5, 5) this is because she was concerned for the job being done as well as for the people in our team, she was equal to both. Therefore the leadership style that they would be is Democratic leader this is because
q Her leadership role Improved job satisfaction and this was shown when employees provided good services, which was very successful.
q Decisions making was more informed and everyone knew what to do and what job role and responsibilities to carryout.
q It built better relations between the leader and group members.
q We produce high quality and high quantity work
q Allowed us to establish goals
q It encouraged us to work harder as we were recognized.
I feel that if my manager was not a Democratic leader then we would have had many problems or example Decision making would be slow for example when deciding on things it would take longer, unable to give ideas or suggestions. Employees may be unhappy and it will reflect the working environment as this will lead to de-motivated staff if my manager was Autocratic, being a Laissez-faire leader would mean A lack of direction from the leader could cause people to work at cross purposes and Group members often do not realise the amount of work involved in leading the group and may feel a lack of respect for the leader. Informal leaders may emerge, creating disharmony.

Below are a few Leadership theorists that I have looked at

Trait theory
Theorists have identified various traits or qualities that they think makes a leader effective such as Davis 1972 identified four general traits related to leadership success.
Intelligence –This is when leaders have a slightly higher level of general intelligence than their followers.
Social maturity- Leader has self-assurances, is mature and is able to handle a wide variety of social situations.
Achievement drive- Leaders have a strong drive to get things done.
Human related attitudes-

Charles Handy
Charles Handy also identified three traits such as these:
· Intelligences- they are above average but not of genius status. Leaders are good at solving complex and abstract problems.
· Initiative-Leaders should have independence and inventiveness. The capacity to perceive a need for action and then do it.
· Self Assurances- Self confidences and belief in them selves
Charles Handy also talked about the ‘Helicopter factor’ – This is the ability to rise above a situation and develop a clear overview.
The way in which manager’s deal with their employees is known as their management style For example some managers are strict with workers and they always expect deadlines to be met and targets to be hit, others are more relaxed and understanding for example if a deadline or task has not been completed they will allow the employee more time. There styles can be categorised under these headings:
© Autocratic- these managers keep most of the authority to themselves; they do not delegate much or share information with employees. Autocratic managers tend to tell employees what to do. They give orders with no opportunity for employees to be involved in the decision making process. This type of leadership style can cause frustration because it stifles people’s initiative and relies the qualities of the leader to work successfully. The communication for this style is top down.
© Democratic- these managers take the views of their subordinates into account when making decisions. This type of leaders believes in consulting employees and allowing them to share in decision-making. It takes much longer to come to a final decision and can lead to the undermining of management control. The leader supports decisions making. There is a multi-Channel flow of communication; the leader and team jointly praise success behaviour that meets team requirements.
© Paternalistic- these managers believe he or she knows what is best for the employees. They tend to tell employees what to do but will often explain their decisions. They are also concerned about social needs of employees.
© Lasissez-faire- these leaders set clear objectives for subordinates and then allow them within very parameters, the freedom and responsibility to achieve the objectives. This style of leadership motivates enthusiastic workers but its success is dependent upon the competences and integrity of employees.
© Bureaucratic- Leaders manage by acting in accordance’s with the ‘rule book’ there is usually little opportunity for workers and flexibility but what is expected of them is always clear and consistent.

Ashridge Studies
Ashridge Studies identified four broad management styles and they were: Tells, Sells, Consults and Joins.
Ø Tells is when the manager makes all the decisions and issues instructions which must be obeyed without question
Ø Sells is when the managers makes all the decisions but explains them to subordinates, and attempts to motivate subordinates to carry them out willingly.
Ø Consults is when the manager confers with subordinates and takes their views and feelings into account, but retains the right to make the final decisions.
Ø Joins this is when leader and follower make the decisions together, on the basis of consensus or compromise and agreement.

One of the leaders that I have looked at is Mother Terser this is mainly because she had the courage and strength to do things other couldn’t, she had a huge impact on a lot of large people such as the presidents and even down to young children as she was not afraid to live a life of drastic poverty and service also made the world to do the same she left leave her religious order to serve the poor. She lived a simple life but yet made a huge impact on everyone and gave away her self to help take care of the sick and the dying, finding homes for abandoned children, defending the poor, the unwanted.
From the article above you can see that even today people look up to Mother Teresa this is because of her good work in life and the love and commitment she showed such as giving up her life to serve the community which has lead others to follow and respect to the highest.

I have come to a conclusion that leaders can have an effect on people and their behavior towards one and other and also there are a few advantages and disadvantages of the Managerial Grid are that it makes the various leadership styles measurable; using the model makes it easier to openly discuss behaviour and improvement actions.
The disadvantages of the grid are that there are more dimensions of leadership that can be relevant; it also neglects the significances of the internal and external constraints and situations.

1 comment:

  1. A good post Rabia, but check your spelling and referencing. Don't copy and paste large elements. You have included some excellent work place examples, well done.
